By Marie Nigro (28-Dec-2021)
Ah, the last week of December! Normally a chilly time of year in the snowy city we fondly refer to as home, but this year the capital felt on the balmy side. With that in mind, a good friend and I decided to venture out for a post-holiday, socially-distanced, COVID-compliant get-together in the Glebe.
We started by meandering through Lansdowne. It was quiet and sparsely populated but we liked it that way. People out walking their adorable dogs certainly helped liven up the atmosphere, and everyone was as friendly as they normally are in Ottawa.
After a trip to Kettleman’s on Bank Street, we decided to go for a stroll through Central Park. By now the sun had set, so we were able to see the Christmas lights on people’s houses. They were beautiful! That’s also when we noticed the time.
My friend and I belong to a rosary group that meets faithfully every day at the same time on Zoom. As it was nearing the hour of its commencement, we discussed whether or not we should stop and join in on my phone, or keep walking. Because the evening was so pleasant, we decided to participate right there in the park in the winter’s dark.

The group gave us a warm welcome and the others were curious about our location. After exchanging pleasantries, we began to pray. Despite having to stand still, we didn’t really feel the cold. Perhaps our Blessed Mother was keeping us warm. As we prayed on, more people entered the park, but they were far from us. I was concerned that prayer in a public place might be frowned upon, but no one paid us any heed. Thank goodness that even at its loudest, Zoom calls on my smartphone are never really that loud, so there was no chance of us causing a disturbance.
Before we knew it, it was time to pray the “Hail Holy Queen”. It was hard to believe the “snowsary” was over. When I join the group from the comfort from my home, it feels like it takes longer. This surprised me because I thought praying outside in the winter would make the time feel as if it were dragging on, but it didn’t – a small miracle to be grateful for.
Thank you God, and Our Lady of the Rosary, for making our first “snowsary” so enjoyable!